Pitzer College


Office 365 - Email (Staff and Faculty)

Modified on: Mon, Aug 5 2024 10:29 AM

Service Description:

Pitzer College provides staff and faculty with Microsoft Office 365 email accounts.  Accessible via desktop clients,  the web, and mobile applications you can receive Pitzer email anywhere.  In addition, with your Office 365 account, you have access to online resources as well a downloadable versions of the software.

Available to:

Faculty, Staff

How to access the service:

On your first day of employment you will receive your login information, via Human Resources, which will include your username and temporary password.

Note:  Although your official email address, for correspondence, is in the format of first_last@pitzer.edu, your email address for all Office 365 services and many additional resources must be entered in the following format: 


Follow the instructions below for your specific mail client.

On-Campus Microsoft Outlook Mail Client (recommended)

Use the Outlook software application installed on your desktop machine.  Follow the prompts to setup your email account.  (Set as Default on Pitzer PC’s).

Web-based (Outlook On-line)

Using most browsers, you can access your email by clicking on the following link:  Office 365 Outlook Online

For quick tips, on online email settings, go to:  Office 365 Online Email Settings

Other Email Desktop Clients

There are a number of standalone email clients (Windows Mail, Thunderbird, Apple Mail, etc.) that can be used with Office 365.  Please contact the Help Desk for assistance if you wish to use one of these.

Mobile Devices

Click on the corresponding links below for instructions on how to configure your Office 365 email on your mobile phone.


Each Faculty and Staff Office 365 Mailbox comes with 50G of space.

The individual email size limits are:

  • 35MB sent
  • 50MB received

Contact the Pitzer IT Help Desk with any assistance or questions.

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