Pitzer College



Modified on: Tue, Dec 10 2024 4:18 PM

box icon

Service Description:

Box offers cloud storage, file sharing and data backup services that enables users to securely share and access files online from anywhere. Pitzer College staff and faculty are eligible for a Box account which includes 1000 GB of storage.

Storing college-related materials on Box will allow users access to their files from anywhere without VPN and makes it easy to collaborate with co-workers. Refer to Secure Shared Files and Folder page for sharing options.

Available to:

Faculty, Staff

How to access the service:

Box is an online resource. You can access from anywhere by going to:

Pitzer Home Page > Resources For > Faculty & Staff > Box Cloud Storage., pitzer.box.com

You will be re-directed to the following page

Choose Continue

On the Central Authentication Service (CAS) page

Select Pitzer College from the drop down menu

Enter your Pitzer username and password

Choose Login

You will now see all of your files and folder structures.

Please review Pitzer Box Policies prior to use.

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