Welcome to Pitzer!
Please follow the instructions below to setup and access your new Pitzer Gmail!
First a few notes:
Your username was emailed to you and it also part of your email address.
- Email format: username@students.pitzer.edu
- Login format: username@pitzer.edu (without the word students)
Accessing your New Pitzer Email:
Go to the Pitzer homepage and select Resources For > Current Students at the top right section of the page.

Under Quick Links, select Student Gmail
You will be redirected to Pitzer’s authentication page.
Here you must enter your email in the following format: username@pitzer.edu
Choose Next.

Enter the temporary password emailed to you.
Choose Sign in.

Just this once you will be asked to set your password recovery options.
This way you can avoid any lock out issues and keep your email account secure.
Choose Next.

Setup 1 or more of the security options listed.
Once completed choose Finish.

For information on Password Recovery, Duo two-factor authentication, Mobile Phone email configurations, and much more… Visit our New Student Technology page!