Duo Two-Factor Authentication

Service Description:
Duo verifies user identities with two-factor authentication and checks the security health of their devices before granting access to Pitzer resources and services. Duo allows you to utilize a device, such as a mobile device, as an additional layer of security. Your Pitzer username and password are your first level of security, now your mobile device, landline, or passcode will be the second.
Available to:
Faculty, Staff and Students
How to access the service:
For Faculty and Staff - You will go through the Duo enrollment process with HR when onboarding. For adding or changing a device, please contact the Pitzer IT Help Desk.
For Students – Incoming new students will have an open enrollment period before the start of their time here at Pitzer College. After this open enrollment period, and for any other students, please contact the Pitzer IT Help Desk to add or change a device.
For everyone, for future visits you will enter your username and password and then be redirected to the Duo screen for verification.
Hardware tokens can be provided during travel and/or special circumstances (not including preference).
Click on the links below for user quick guides.
If you experience difficulty authenticating or have device issues, contact the Pitzer IT Helpdesk.